How To Make Cold Brew In A French Press? [Step-by-Step Guide]

How To Make Cold Brew In A French Press? [Step-by-Step Guide]

Discover the art of crafting perfect cold brew using a French press. Learn step-by-step with our guide to elevate your coffee experience.



There's nothing quite like a refreshing cup of cold brew, especially on a hot summer day.


And guess what?


You don't need fancy equipment to whip up this cold brew magic; a trusty French press is all you need.


In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through making cold brew in a French press, ensuring that each sip is a symphony of flavors and the embodiment of coffee perfection.

Why Cold Brew?

So, you've heard the buzz about cold brew coffee and might wonder, "What's all the hype?"

Well, brace yourself for a flavorful journey that might revolutionize your coffee game.

1.   Smooth and Mellow Flavor Profile


Cold brew coffee is known for its smooth and mellow flavor profile.

The cold brewing process extracts flavors differently than hot brewing, resulting in a less acidic and bitter taste.

This makes cold brew a delightful option for those who find traditional coffee too strong or harsh on the palate.

2.   Lower Acidity


Individuals with sensitivity to acidic foods and drinks often prefer cold brew.

The extended steeping time in cold water extracts coffee compounds differently, producing a beverage with lower acidity.

This makes it a gentler option for your stomach, reducing the chances of heartburn and indigestion.

3.   Versatility in Strength


One of the key advantages of making a cold brew at home is the ability to control its strength.

Adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio and steeping time allows you to create a concentrate that can be diluted to your preferred strength.

This versatility allows you to enjoy cold brew in various ways, from sipping it straight to crafting delicious coffee-based cocktails.

4.   Heat? No Thanks

Summer is hot enough; your coffee doesn't need to be.

Cold brew is the refreshing answer to scalding afternoons when you crave that caffeinated kick without turning your cozy mug into a miniature sauna.

It's like your coffee's saying, "Chill out, I've got this."

5.   Simplicity


One of the best parts about cold brew is its simplicity.

There is no need for fancy equipment or barista-level skills; all you need is time, a good batch of coarsely ground coffee, and a French press.

It's a low-maintenance, high-reward method that caters to coffee enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike.

Ingredients You'll Need

Before embarking on your cold brew journey, gather the following essentials:

  • Coarsely Ground Coffee: Opt for a high-quality, coarsely ground coffee. The coarser grind h
  • Cold, Filtered Water: Water quality can significantly impact the flavor. Use filtered water for the best taste.
  • French Press: Ensure your French press is clean and free from residual coffee oils or flavors.
  • Time & Patience: Cold brew requires slowly extracting the flavors. Plan, as the process typically takes 12-24 hours.

Buy Now: Fresh Roasted Cold Brew Coffee

How do you make cold beer in a French press? Step-by-Step Guide

1. Measure Your Coffee

Start by measuring out your coffee grounds. A general rule of thumb is 1 cup of coarse coffee grounds to 4 cups of cold water. Adjust according to your taste preferences.

2. Combine Coffee and Water

In your French press, add the measured coffee grounds. Pour in the cold, filtered water, ensuring all the grounds are saturated. Please give it a gentle stir to provide an even extraction.

3. Steep

Place the lid on your French press, but don't press down the plunger. Let the coffee steep in the refrigerator for at least 12-24 hours. This extended steeping time allows for a complete extraction of flavors.

4. Plunge and Strain

After the steeping period, slowly press down the plunger to separate the grounds from the liquid. If the coffee is too gritty, strain it through a fine-mesh sieve or filter.

5. Dilute (Optional)

Cold brew is concentrated, so you may want to dilute it with water or milk to achieve your desired strength. Start with a 1:1 ratio and adjust to taste.

6. Serve and Enjoy

Pour your cold brew over ice and savor the smooth, rich flavor. Add your favorite sweeteners or creamers if desired.

Tips for the Best Cold Brew

Experiment with Coffee Varieties: Coffee beans can impart unique flavors to your cold brew. Consider trying our selection of single-origin coffees to discover new taste profiles.

Play with Ratios: Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio to find the perfect strength for your palate.

Use a Coarse Grind: This prevents over-extraction, leading to a smoother cup of cold brew.

Patience is Key: Allow the cold brew to steep for at least 12 hours, if not more, for a full-bodied flavor.

Is Cold Brew Coffee Sweet?

Cold brew coffee, by itself, is not inherently sweet. The sweetness of your cold brew depends on the type of coffee beans you use and whether you choose to add sweeteners or flavorings during the brewing process or when serving.


Many people appreciate the naturally sweet undertones in cold brew due to its smoother and less acidic profile, but it's not a sugary beverage on its own.

The Health Benefits of Cold Brew

Beyond its irresistible taste, cold brew coffee offers a range of health benefits.

1.   Antioxidant Rich

Cold brew is packed with antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress in the body. These compounds contribute to overall health and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

2.   Lower Acidity

Cold brew is a gentler alternative for those sensitive to acidic foods and beverages. Its lower acidity makes it easier on the stomach, reducing the likelihood of heartburn and acid reflux.

3.   Caffeine Without the Jitters

Cold brew might be your solution if you're sensitive to the jitters often associated with high-caffeine beverages. The smooth and gradual release of caffeine can provide an energy boost without the sudden spikes and crashes.

4.   Hydration with a Kick

Unlike some dehydrating caffeinated beverages, cold brew is a hydrating option. The water content and lower acidity make it a refreshing choice that keeps you both caffeinated and hydrated.

5.   Boosts Metabolism

The caffeine content in cold brew can give your metabolism a healthy kickstart, promoting alertness and potentially aiding in weight management.

Cold Brew vs. Iced Coffee

While cold brew and iced coffee provide a chilled coffee experience, they differ significantly in preparation and taste.


Cold Brew

Iced Coffee

Brewing Method

Steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold water for 12-24 hours. 

Brewed hot and then cooled down with ice. 

Flavor Profile 

Smooth, bold, less acidic, and nuanced taste. 

It can be more acidic due to the traditional hot brewing process. 

Caffeine Content

Concentration compensates for lower brewing temperature, similar to iced coffee. 

Varies are based on the brewing method; they can be slightly higher due to hot brewing.


Highly customizable, as the concentrate can be diluted to preference. 

It is less customizable, as the brewing process determines the strength. 

Brewing Time

Requires a longer steeping time (12-24 hours): quick brewing process, usually minutes. 

Serving Style

Often served diluted with water or milk, or as a base for other beverages. 

It is typically served over ice, sometimes with added milk or flavorings.





Congratulations! You've just mastered making cold brew in a French press.

Whether a coffee lover or a casual drinker, this method guarantees a delicious and refreshing experience.

To enhance your cold brew journey, explore our collection of premium coffees, including exotic blends and single-origin gems.

FAQs About Cold Brew

Q1: How Long Can I Store Cold Brew In The Refrigerator?

A: Cold brew can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Its concentrated nature allows for a longer shelf life compared to hot-brewed coffee. Just ensure it's in a sealed container to maintain freshness.

Q2: Can I Use Regular Coffee Grounds For Cold Brew?

A: While you can use regular coffee grounds, it's recommended to use coarse grounds for cold brew. This prevents over-extraction and results in a smoother cup. Experiment with different grind sizes to find your preference.

Q3: Does Cold Brew Have More Caffeine Than Hot Coffee?

A: Despite its concentrated nature, cold brew doesn't necessarily have more caffeine than hot coffee. The brewing process extracts different compounds, resulting in a different caffeine concentration. However, you can adjust the strength of your cold brew by modifying the coffee-to-water ratio.

Q4: Can I Heat Cold Brew?

A: Absolutely! Cold brew concentrate can be diluted with hot water or milk to create a warm beverage. This versatility makes cold brew a year-round favorite, suitable for summer refreshment and cozy winter sipping.

Q5: What types of coffee beans work best for cold Beer?

A: Experimentation is key! While coffee beans can be used for cold brew, many enthusiasts prefer medium to dark roast beans for their rich and robust flavors.

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